Missing you

Do you ever miss your husband/partner/significant other?

Like ACTUALLY miss them?

Mines currently sitting next to me, so I’m not referring to the distance kind of miss but in the pre parenting relationship kinda miss?

I do.

I miss the uninterrupted conversations we had. The hours we could talk about anything and finish a converstaion the same day we started it.

I miss the cuddles. The times when it was just him and I in the bed. The same bed. Alone. With no elbows to the face or knees in the ribs. 

I miss the dinners or breakfasts where we spent time people watching instead of cleaning up squashed $17 avo from the floor or taking turns chasing the getaway child. 

I miss the spontaneity of deciding to go out anywhere last minute without contempting the impact it would have on the 3 hours sleep we usually get or packing the suitcase of necessities.

I miss the road trips. In the CLEAN car listening to normal music at a high volume. There’s only so much “eye spy” one can take on the freeway. 

I miss my husband. 

Just being with him. 

Focusing on him.

Focusing on us.

But then I look down at the two little people literally attached to my legs and I realise that once this stage passes too, I will miss it.

So for the next few years part time co-sleeping and half finished conversations over smashed avocado is as good as it’s going to get! 

Plus the occasional date night will get us through!

Sending you love,



Get Ready for School Australia

There is nothing I love more than a good educational resource!

As a former Primary School teacher myself (fun fact in case you didn’t know) I have always had a strong passion for learning and education. There is no greater achievement in life, than watching the face of a child accomplish something they have been working on. This passion of mine was heightened ten fold, when I became a mother myself.

I’m always on the look out for great teaching and learning resources to stimulate my children’s minds, but more importantly instil in them a life long LOVE of learning. This is why I am SO excited to have come across the “Get Ready for School Australia” program.

The program has been developed by an early Childhood teacher; Anne-Marie and is aligned to the Australian Curriculum. It has been designed in a way that is easy and comprehensive for  parents to use at home, making getting ready for school and learning in general, FUN and ENGAGING.

We have been using the Early Learning Pack at home and I can not recommend it highly enough.  Hunter is currently 3.5 years old and he has absolutely loved the activities. We have been working on Numeral Formation and Name Writing.

The Complete Get ready for School Australia Program includes a personalised first name writing card set. This resource is 6 pages of guided name writing sheets for your child to practice. I have laminated a set, and so we can reuse them multiple times and Hunter loves using the markers!

All the activities are well produced and of high quality but most of all, easy enough for parents to do without the usual struggle!

Even though Hunter is not starting school next year, I have briefly covered some of the activities in the “How to get your child ready for English” and “How to get your child ready for Mathematics” as well. (there is also a science one, we haven’t covered just yet)

What I absolutely love about these, is that the program outlines the expectation from the Australian Curriculum at the top, gives you a task to complete, and at the end also supplies ways in which you could support your child’s learning. Most of the activities are things you could do while out and about or as you go along your normal day to day life. The benefit of this is not only can it be done anywhere and anytime, but most of the time the kids are having so much fun they don’t even realise they’re learning!

“Behind every young child who believes in themselves, is a parent who believed first”

So because I love this SO much I have a special discount code for you all. Use “EXPO17” at checkout to receive $30 off the COMPLETE collection (normally $129.95) and FREE shipping Australia Wide.

Click HERE to find out more.

This is not something you want to miss out on, so get in quick!

Sending you love,




Becoming a mother

There is so much to be said about becoming a mum.

It’s a job.
It’s a 24/7 job.
It’s tiring.
It’s overwhelming.
It’s hard.
It’s confusing.
It’s frightening.
It’s full on.
It’s non stop.
It’s messy.
And the list goes on.

But above all it’s the best job and it’s so rewarding.


The first thing I noticed when becoming a mummy two years ago was how everyone becomes an expert. It’s the most judgemental job in the world.

Every one is quick to tell you what you’re doing wrong, what you should be doing instead or what’s the best way to do something. Very rarely do they complement you on how well you’re doing keeping your shit together as a first time mum.  On how even though you feel like crap, probably look like crap and have no idea what to do with this little human that you’re actually doing a great job and everything is going to be OK.

That is the type of feedback we need as mothers. Especially as first time mothers. We need to support eachother not criticise. We need positive vibes not negative comments. We need to know we’re doing great even if we’re covered in vomit & poo and haven’t changed out of our pjs at 3pm.

Think about this next time you meet a mummy.

Like my mother taught me…

If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.

Sending you love,


30 things no-one tells you


From the minute you pee on the stick and receive a positive reading,  you know your life is about to change forever. But noone ever tells you exactly how GREAT that change will be. There may be a number of reasons for this.. and nothing will truly ever prepare you for the journey you’re about to embark on, but here’s my list of things noone tells you about pregnancy, birth and motherhood.

1. Morning sickness doesn’t just happen in the morning and it doesn’t always miraculously pass after 12 weeks. It also doesn’t just mean vomitting and sometimes if you’re super lucky it doesn’t even happen at all.

2. You will have dreams when you’re pregnant. Weird dreams. Scary dreams. Crazy dreams.

3. You may or may not have any cravings. Not even weird ones. Just none at all.

4. Heartburn is a bitch.  So is hair loss, hair growth, swollen feet, swollen hands, stretch marks, cellulite, dietary restrictions, cramps, sciatica, back pain, seat belts, weak bladder, hormones and at times just breathing in general.

5. You will never sleep comfortably again. Never. Save your money. All these pregnant pillows and gadgets won’t make a difference.

6. You will find people are rude and invasive. Maybe it’s your hormones or maybe just MAYBE you should stop touching my stomach and telling me how huge I am.

7. Your body will morph, change and do things you never thought were possible.

8. You will be tired and lazier than usual. Carrying and growing a human is hard work, plus you’ll think twice about whether or not you really need that object you dropped on the floor.

9. You will google like you have NEVER googled before.

10. You will be scared. Terrified. Frightened. Stressed. Anxious. Nervous. Alot more than usual.


11. You will never be prepared enough for the birth. So just try and relax and go with the flow.

12. Take the drugs if you need to. Do what ever you have to to survive the process.

13. Everything will leak. Like… EVERYTHING.

14. You will cry and scream…alot  during birth.

15. You might shake uncontrollably during labour.

16. You will be poked, prodded, harassed, & violated by hundreds of different people. They’ve seen it all before so leave your dignity at the door.

17. You will have pains after the birth. In your stomach, down below, your boobs, your head, your entire body will ache. Don’t get me started on the after birth poo 🤕

18. Your stomach won’t always instantly deflate. Your body will change in someway or another forever.

19. You will want to give up. You will swear to never have another child again. But odds are you probably will.

20. You will fall in love. With your baby, with your partner and with yourself for what you’ve just achieved.  Maybe not all 3 at the same time. And maybe not all 3 instantly. But eventually.

21. You will be high in the first few days after the birth. High on life. On adrenaline. You will also be delusional and in shock, as well as weirdly happy for probably 2 days.

22. Day 3 is the worst. Sometimes day 4, 5, & 6 too. Sometimes longer. But be prepared for day 3. Your baby is adjusting to the world. To life outside the womb. To air. To food.  They will be hungry and you will most probably have no milk yet. So they will cry. And cry and cry and cry….


23.  The only conversations you will have will be about:
-The birth
-Who the baby looks like
-When the next one is
-How tired you are
-If the baby is a ‘good baby’ (seriously)

24. You will never sleep in again. Or sleep comfortably. Or peacefully. Or just sleep in general. Therefore you will be tired.  Really effing tired.

25. You will fight with your partner. Alot. Who’s more tired, who works harder, who’s turn it is to feed/change/settle/cook/clean/shower.

26. You will feel like giving up. You will feel like you have failed. Like you’re not good enough or doing enough. You will question everything you do.


27. You will receive “advice” from everyone. Everyone will become a parenting expert.

28. You will miss your old life. Your old self. Your own time. The silence. The freedom. The sleep. The long showers/baths. The privacy. You will finally realise how you took all these simple things for granted. Then you’ll feel guilty for feeling this way.

29. You will be forgotten. Sometimes totally. Sometimes just for a while. But people will always look for the baby before they acknowledge you.

30. You will survive. No matter how bad your day is. No matter how many times you’ve cried or screamed or lost your cool. You WILL get through it. It will be hard but it will be worth it. And even when it feels like it’s not, you will still get through it.


You can do this mumma.

Sending you love,

Take the plunge!

Recently the hubby and I decided to celebrate US, and it was the best thing we’ve done in years.

It was our 3 year wedding anniversary and we really needed to do something to reconnect. In between him working, house renovations, family events, and life with 2 kids there’s not much time or energy left for ourselves. Our usual conversations occur between toddler tantrums, toddler demands or crying toddlers at 3am. Sure we have the occasional “date night” but that usually involves us catching up on weekly events or enjoying a delicious meal and rejoicing in the fact that there won’t be a conversation about whose turn it is to clean up or hose down the kids.

So as soon as the idea was mentioned I booked flights and accommodation immediately so that I wouldn’t change my mind. But the stress, anxiety and mum guilt still hit me hard until I landed in Melbourne a month later.

2 nights, 2.5 days.

Our kids are 2.5 and 1 years old and have never had a sleep over or left my side for more than 6 hours. There was a train load of thoughts and scenarios shooting through my head on all the ‘what ifs.’ Deep down I knew they would be in good hands ( they had my 3 page list of instructions to follow 😂😂) and probably wouldn’t even bat an eyelid at our disappearance but it didn’t help ease the stress. My husband (bless him) was the most supportive and patient he’s probably ever been. “We’re only an hour away, we can always be back in a few hours” “Do you want to cancel? Do you want to take them both or just the baby with us?” “Do you want to all drive there together instead?”


We need to do this. I need to do this. We need time. I need a break.

So off we went.

The kids didn’t care. They were spoilt rotten and so were we. We splurged and enjoyed every minute of our time together .  We literally ate our way through Melbourne and felt like a couple in the first few months of dating.

We talked, we laughed, we got dressed up, we cuddled, we slept in, we raced around like tourists without a care in the world. We even got those nervous/excited butterflies in our stomach again. But most importantly we were reminded of our love. Of all the reasons we got together to begin with . That deep down under all the toys , vomit, tantrums and arguments of everyday life we’re still the same people we used to be.

It’s so easy to get angry at eachother at home . To envy the ‘life’ or things your partner does while you’re stuck in mum mode. Don’t get me wrong, I love my children and my husband but sometimes things get shitty (thanks hormones) This trip made me feel like me again. We were equal. We had the same amount of responsibility and so there were no arguments, no disagreements, no silent hints. Just pure joy and fun.

And you know what we ALL need and deserve that every once in a while. So if you’re thinking about a trip or even a night away DO IT. Stop procrastinating, don’t feel guilty, get organised and BOOK IT.
It will be the best thing you’ve done, and you will be a better mother coming back home.

Sending you love,



I may be little

It may seem like yesterday that I entered this world,

All small and dainty, my fingers all curled.

It wasn’t long ago that I’d snuggle into your chest,

You may have been tired but you felt so blessed.

You blinked your eyes and time has flown by,

You’re not sure how and you don’t know why.

I may be little but because of you I’m strong,

Enjoy it all because it won’t last long.

I open and close cupboards and empty the drawers,

I crawl and roll and end up cleaning the floors.

I may be little but because of you I’m kind,

I shared all my toys but to be honest I sort of did mind.

My mind is learning new things each day,

I watch and wonder and sometimes don’t obey.

I may be little but because of you I know love,

We kiss and cuddle, you’re someone I’m proud of.

Each day I amaze you with what I can do,

It may be taking some steps or a poo in the loo.

I may be little but because of you I am ME

I am independent, determined and fierce, there’s no other way you’d rather I be.

I will always be your baby even when I am older,

So don’t worry mum  I’ll always snuggle back into your shoulder.

Sending you love,



My firstborn

My dearest first born,

Thank you for being patient with me. Everything you are experiencing is new to me too.

Thank you for being the “tester” in our family. The one we learn with. The one that has tried all breastfeeding positions, all nappy/bottle/formula/wipe brands, routines and discipline strategies.

Thank you for keeping me grounded. For always reminding me of the important things in life.

Thank you for making us slow down to stop and experience life through your eyes.

Sorry for the times we let you down. For the times we didn’t understand what you needed.

Sorry for all the mistakes we have made. For all the times we thought we knew what was best, for the times we didn’t listen.

You and I have something special. We will always be on this rollercoaster ride together.

All our firsts will be experienced together and you will teach me more about life than I will ever be able to show you.

So my dearest first born,

Thank you for making me a mother. My life would not have turned out the way it has if it wasn’t for you.

Sending you love,




​The topic of technology and screen time for kids is a controversial one.

However in the world we live in today and the way we are headed, technology IS the future, so there’s no time like the present to embrace it.

I have never had an issue with iPads or tv. I think moderation (with everything) is important as is setting a positive example. I can’t expect my kids to not use the iPad or watch tv when they see me doing it. My son (2 yrs old) has had his own iPad since his 1st birthday. It is filled with educational apps and you tube kids. We do many activities together and he does many on his own. My daughter (almost one) loves to join in as well, so when the team from KidloLand asked us to review their app we were excitied!

KidloLand has won the “Academics choice smart media award 2016” for a good reason; It is beyond AMAZING! I can’t think of a topic that it doesn’t cover. There are 20 different sections all with interactive components. These are:

Nursery rhymes (78 of them in total)

Stories (45 in total)


ABC songs

Games (24 in total)

Activities (10 in Total)

Occupations (60 in total)

Wheels on the bus

Weather and seasons

Old McDonald songs



Animal kingdom

Fruit and vegetables

Row your boat

Numbers 1-100

Lullabies (10 in total)

Colours and shapes

Months and days

Christmas songs

KidloLand adds new content quite regularly and has a high educational focus. As a primary school teacher and owner of a tutoring centre I am familiar with a number of apps used in classrooms for educational purposes. KidloLand is one of the apps I have added to my “recommended app list for parents.” It is aimed at kids 5 and under, however I have used it in a kindergarten setting and it has also worked well. I have also made it a part of our pre-kindergarten program as it supports the children’s learning and prepares them for iPad use in the school setting.

Each section offers an interactive part that encourages kids to have a go and review what has been taught. The songs have words for you to follow along to (or learn) and when reading stories you have the option to read it yourself or have the story read for you. The entire app is colourful, easy to use, structured and above all FUN. This is the most important aspect for me, as making learning fun stimulates children to develop a LOVE for learning.

Another feature I love about the KidloLand app is that you can create your own playlist. You can add your child’s favourite 25 songs, stories or activities for them to explore with. This is fantastic as it ensures all the top pics are right at your child’s fingertips and stops the toddler tantrum when they can’t find “their” song in 1 second flat! It also has a parental lock on it so the kids can’t access the settings section without competing the maths problem!

The only downfall for us in Australia, is that it uses American spelling. For my kids who are still too young to notice, it isn’t an issue, but for those a little older it provides another teaching point for you to remind children that sometimes different countries have different spelling for certain words.

Overall KidloLand has been a huge hit in our house and with the children I teach. It is available to download from iTunes, Play store and Amazon. The app is free to download and this version provides you with a range of free activities to try out. Then, if you love it as much as we do, you can purchase a subscription.

We have teamed up with KidloLand to provide 3 lucky readers with a FREE 3 month subscription. (Valid internationally)

See our instagram post for all the details. Winners will be announced on 26th October 2016. In the meantime download the app using the links below.

iOS (KidloLand) : https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/kidloland-nursery-rhymes-songs/id533412119?mt=8

Google Play Store (Nursery Rhymes For Kids): https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.internetdesignzone.nurseryrhymes&hl=en

Amazon Appstore (KidloLand): https://www.amazon.com/KidloLand-Nursery-Rhymes-Educational-Preschool/dp/B00HFQBCEU

Sending you love,








Have you ever wondered why someone hasn’t opened an indoor play centre that isn’t an eye sore or filled with an abundance of germ attracting equipment?

I have.

And finally I’ve found a play centre with a difference!

Nubo in Alexandria, Sydney, is an indoor centre like no other. From the second you walk through the doors you’re flooded with a calming aura.

It’s absolutely beautiful!

Upon entry parents and children are required to take off their shoes, leaving them in the little cupboards;

The design, colour scheme, work stations and areas are all created to allow children and parents to experience play together and “exercise their imagination.”

You can read in the library;

(in a hot air balloon!)

Build in the blue room;

Create in the art studio;

(Which also offers facilitated workshops so check what’s on before you visit so you don’t miss out!)

Climb the ropes;

(Suitable for older kids. NUBO recommends children over 4 years old, unless a parent climbs with them.)

Imagine in the dramatic play room;

(Kitchens, market stands, train tracks, cars, dolls the works!) 

Or my kids favourite…

Float and slide in the ball pit;

Like all play centres, no food is allowed but there’s also a super trendy cafe inside, offering a selection of healthy drinks and snacks for all.

Nubo is open everyday from 9am-5pm and is situated at Unit 201, Building 2/160 Bourke Rd, Alexandria.

All further information on pricing, party packages, and workshops they run can be found on their website www.nubo.com.au

If you haven’t already, do yourself a favour and lock in a play at Nubo. It’s definitely one of the Top 5 places to visit with kids in Sydney.

We for one can’t wait to head back to

 “the place with all the blue balls.”

Sending you love,



P.s. In case you were wondering, “Nubo” means cloud.